kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


to misremember

The topic for today's thirty things adventure is one that I think about quite often, actually. I've hinted about it here and here, but never with much detail. I've spoken to a few about it before, and discussed it at length with the best professor on the planet, and she helped me come to this realization: my thoughts and ideas are very radical for my demographic, and that is okay. It doesn't matter if you agree with me or not - my story and my personal archive are different from yours. That makes me who I am; it is continually changing with every experience I have. The same is happening to you, but you are being shaped into you. Me into me.

Now, onto what I think people misunderstand most about me. I could be completely wrong about this, but I get the impression that a lot of the people who I interact with believe that I am very conservative; almost prudish, even. I'm not. Don't believe me? Come over to my house and take a quick gander at my bookshelves. I'm an intellectual who believes that you have to read and experience the unaltered grit of reality to understand those ideals that begin with capital letters. Thanks to Toni Morrison and her novel Beloved for the title of this post. I think the concept accurately describes what is happening to me - the people around me remember me as a child, and are therefore misremembering me. I'm different from the childhood me. I've grown up and developed my own non-prudish, non-conservative ideas about the world.

29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you? | thirty things

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