kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


dr. cronin

Today I visited with my favorite professor in her office at BYU. It was just like old times, when I was a student, and went to her office on a daily basis to listen to her wisdom and share ideas on papers, life, love, and everything in between. But today, even though a graduate, I was a student again. I am every time I talk to her. I'm convinced she knows everything. She really does. She is the best teacher I had in my college career. My favorite, not just because she is a walking encyclopedia of wisdom and knowledge, but because every time I talk to her, I leave feeling like I can conquer the world. She allows me to believe in myself like no one else has. That is why she is amazing.


  1. Awesome! :] I love teachers like this! That's so fun that you got to go back and visit her.

  2. Teachers like that are the best. She has a true gift.

  3. I wish I still had teachers like this that I looked up to. Some days, I wonder if I should have gone to BYU instead (not gonna lie).


♔ huzzah.