kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


first birthday!

we celebrated this goofball's first birthday yesterday.

he wasn't too sure what to think of his party hat.

i sure have loved having this buddy around.

winston at a few weeks, a few months, and now



it's been ages. i've been busy. but here's what i did today:

there is nothing quite like spending a relaxing afternoon at the pool with your best friend to help you forget for a while about all the stuff flying around inside your brain.


happy 100th birthday!

Tour de France fun fact of the day:

It's the 100th edition of Le Tour this year!
(it wasn't held during WWI or WWII)


vive le tour!

Today is the first day of Le Tour de France 2013.

Here's your Tour de France fun fact of the day:

In a flat stage finish, sprinter, Mark Cavendish travels 75 kph (46.6 mph) for the last 150 meters to the finish.


moving day!

we're moving today! be prepared for the many new house pictures to come.