kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.



Yesterday I got a new (read: new to me) adorable little dark blue Honda CR-V. The couple we bought it from had every single piece of paperwork from every service the car has ever had. Extremely thorough. And a midst the stack of paperwork was a newspaper clipping from an article by Click & Clack, so it was a win in my book. Knowing who Click and Clack are and telling me you love them is one way to become instant friends with me. Really. They're the best.

My acquisition of this new car meant that I had to clean out my truck so my little brother can learn to drive on it. The thought of my baby brother behind the wheel  (panic.) and out on the roads (trying to breathe.) was more heart stopping than anything I found behind the seats of the truck. But among the more interesting finds were several cardigans that I had long ago written off as lost forever, three pairs of shoes, a wireless internet router, and a Playboy umbrella. I remember that umbrella from my days living at the Plaza, and someone (Liz, maybe?) had that umbrella, but how it ended up in my truck, I'm not sure. Roommates, if you have any inclination to why we thought the best place to store that umbrella was my truck, please tell.


  1. haha! Funny post! I'm happy you got a new car! :) I know exactly what you mean when you panic that your little brother is beginning to drive. I am also very familiar with finding random and lost items in the car.
    p.s. Hope you're doing well and feeling a whole lot better! :)

  2. How fun! I totally loved my Honda. Those CR-Vs are so cute.


♔ huzzah.