kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


I thought about him today.

sammy as a kitten :: on the porch
in the front yard :: sammy and his best friend, rhubarb

This is my cat Sammy. I got him when I was four years old. We grew up together, me and him. He died on the last Leap Day four years ago while I was at school, and I was heartbroken that I didn't get to say goodbye. The pictures of us together are some of the last times I saw him over the Christmas break right before he died. Silly thing had to pick Leap Day, so now I can only really commemorate his death every four years. Maybe it was his way of making sure I didn't have a pity party every single year. Good cat. 


  1. Awww. Sammy was a pretty cat. Rest in peace, cutie. I'm sure he's frolicking somewhere with lots of sunny napping places.

  2. So sweet, I remember how much he means to you!

  3. I remember how much he means to you. So sweet.

  4. These are the cutest pictures.


♔ huzzah.