kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


the anniversary of the day of my birth

the sign on my parents' chalkboard :: dad :: me and mom :: balloons
me and the hubs :: presents :: grandmama and grandaddy :: me and dad
yellow tulips :: little (read: younger) brother :: polka dot cake :: mom
me and ballons :: rubix cube :: story telling :: me and my brother

i guess i'm one year older and wiser too. my birthday was lovely and full of all that's important. that being family. don't get me wrong, the cake and presents and flowers were good too. but all i wanted was a family party with a homemade dinner. 
mom's dinner for the win. huzzah.


  1. Awww - happy birthday! Glad you had such a good one. I love that polka dot cake, and those tulips are so pretty. I love that they're out - signs that spring is upon us! Hope this year is a great one for you.

  2. Happy belated birthday!

    My family has been from the south for about 300 years too...and then I married someone from Arizona. Fail haha.

    Your comment was sweet, I'm sure we will have to take you up on the offer of coming to South Carolina :)

  3. I'm glad you had a happy birthday! I like how colourful all these photos are and how you've arranged so many of them together in a grid.


♔ huzzah.