kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


pretty, pretty nails.

I love nail polish. Kind of a lot. My toes are always painted, and my fingers about 95% of the time. I'm always on the lookout for new and better colors, so you can imagine my excitement when a few weeks ago, my beautiful friend Aubry over at "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" told me about this nail polish she's so smitten with.

Read her rave here.

I second everything she says. It's amazing stuff.
I can never go back to other nail lacquers. 
Everything else just won't make the cut.

peruse the beauty here.


  1. Is it really as good as all that? 2 weeks? No chips? That's hard to believe.

  2. no lies. after you try this polish, you'll become obsessed. nothing else compares.

  3. Loveeee the new blog :)
    And painted nails!!!

  4. Love the variety of colors! Will have to try!


♔ huzzah.