kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


I have spots. Lots of spots.

These pictures don't even do it justice. I have  s o  m a n y  freckles. Grab a pen and get a close up look at any part of my body that sees the sun, and you could play connect the dots for hours. My freckles have always been my favorite. That, and the fact that I have dark hair and blue eyes. Some of my freckles have been around since I was a little kid. Some are newer additions. All are important. They tie me to my freckled family members, but also make me unique; nobody has the same patterns as me. They're also kind of awesome because, let's be honest, who else do you know that has an arrow constellation on their lower leg pointing straight to their Achilles tendon?

27. What is your favorite part of your body and why? | thirty things


  1. I love freckles. I have a few, but used to draw more on myself as a kid.

    This is probably one reason you do not want a bird though. They are kind of freckle pickers. They think they are being nice, but it kind of hurts.

  2. I LOVE freckles! I mostly just have them on my face and I just love them. I am really hoping that my little girl gets freckles someday because she doesn't look like me in any other way so far!


♔ huzzah.