kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


a pup

In three weeks I get to bring this adorable furry faced pup home. I am beyond thrilled, and can hardly wait to go pick him up! I'm still stuck on what to name him, though. I've narrowed it down to a few choices, and would love some input from my readers. His personality is mellow for a puppy - he likes to play, but also enjoys laying down and looking around at everything. Help me choose a name!

Here's what I've narrowed it down to so far:


Which name do you like best?

P.S. Name suggestions are welcomed! I'm looking for something traditionally British and/or Southern.


  1. Jackson, Davis

    Out of the ones you listed I like Cooper best. I like dog names short so I can say them in one breath when they are being naughty haha

  2. I like bennet, it comes from benedict which means blessed, sorry I am a "what does the name mean type person"... hehe but good luck in whatever you choose.

  3. I like Oliver in the names you've narrowed it down to. Also, I think the name Pilot (from Rochester's dog in Jane Eyre) is a really awesome name for a dog.

  4. wait wait wait no I want the FULL STORY like how did this happen and where did he come from and whaaaaatttt???? sorry. self-confessed puppy spaz. I can't help it.

    and also I think he looks like a Winston. though I have always wanted to name a dog Samwise.

  5. I know I already told you this but he is precioussss! I hope you go on a Twitter rampage and tweet photos of him every day like a proud momma. Ever since I read Gone with the Wind I've always loved Rhett and Beau for a pup. Something you can say in one syllable is always good!

  6. Oh, I was a brat and just gave you my suggestions instead of responding to yours. I am the worst. I really like Cooper because you can just yell "COOP!!" when you need him. Also, it's cute and reminds me of Bradley Cooper who is SUPER cute.

  7. I like Bennet. But it's true Cooper seems easier to yell, whcih is key in dog names. But Winston you can yell like she does in Oliver and Co. Winstooooon, bark! bark!


♔ huzzah.