kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


the post

It all started with a book. One that was left behind. One that I picked up. One that a few years later, finally made it back to its original owner. And being lovers of the written word ourselves, Elizabeth and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to start up a real-mail correspondence. Because, let's be honest here, who doesn't love getting mail that isn't junk or bills? There's just something about receiving and writing/sending a letter. Something magical. Now if only the post was actually carried by owls. 


  1. That really would be extra awesome if the letters were delivered by owls. But there really is something so special about real mail. I need to start up a letter correspondence with someone!

  2. absolutely love receiving snail mail. i think more effort goes in to that than calling someone. how precious! and what a great post ;)
    xo TJ

  3. hip hip! so glad it made it. and here's to many more.

  4. I agree about mail carried about owls. I love E's handwriting!

  5. I love E's handwriting too. There is something special about real mail.


♔ huzzah.