kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


A Tale of Two Cats

A few weeks ago Chloe saw a moth in our house. Since then, she's convinced that every little dark spot - be it a shadow, a dark spot in the pattern of the kitchen tile, or a speck of dirt - is a bug. She chases these "bugs" all day long, but when she sees a real bug, she loses it. She stares the bug down while meowing at it. I'm not sure what she thinks that will do. Then she runs to find me, uses her "I just found a real bug" voice and takes me to where the bug is. All normal kitty instincts to hunt are lost one this one. Clearly, she's been a house cat her entire life. Stella, on the other hand, is an adventurous little kitty. We think she must have been a stray before we got her. Stella chases the bugs down. She pounces. She eats them. All we have to do is kill the bug or knock it down, set Stella in front of the bug, and it'll be devoured in the next few seconds. All the while, Chloe still meows in the background.


  1. Awwww. I love cats and their little personalities. You have two adorable kittens!

    My cat is sooooo lazy. All she does is sit around and preen. But, she did catch a cricket last week, so maybe she had a little spunk left in her! haha.

  2. cats teach us to enjoy the little things. :)


♔ huzzah.