kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


I want to live here.

Forget the fact that I know no German, nor know anybody in or even remotely near Germany. Forget that this is a completely unrealistic, silly wish. And never mind the snowy picture. I do believe dealing with the snow just might be worth it. Please, just forget it and relish the thought with me for just a moment. Be a whimsical, daydreaming young girl again, just this once.
I'm imagining myself living here. Are you?

How perfectly idyllic and fairytale-like, no?
If only.


  1. I went there last summer! I can completely agree with you-- it would be a perfectly fairytale life to live. :)

    PS-- loving your new blog and layout! I am following as of right NOW.

    {I was really worried that your moving announcement was going to be about moving-moving, and I panicked because I STILL haven't given you your wedding present! ha! I'm such a slacker!

  2. It is very beautiful. I went there once upon a time. The countryside around it is quite lovely.


♔ huzzah.