kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


a little fall of rain | a review

Les Mis is doing a six-day run in my city, so naturally, I had to go see it. Other than the technical difficulties that happened during "Do You Hear the People Sing?", it was your pretty standard performance of Les Mis.  Technical difficulties are not entirely uncommon on opening night, so I wasn't too upset about it. There were a few minor things I didn't care for too much. I didn't like Fantine's vibrato, and M Thénardier shouted a bit too much for my liking. The only other complaint I have is that Éponine forgot the phrase "And when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me." Her performance was emotional, and had me on the verge of tears until that happened. Just lost a little bit of the magic there - and Éponine is my favorite besides Jean Valjean, so I was a little bit disappointed. That being said, these dislikes were mostly from a personal taste standpoint on my part, and were no indicator of the level of talent of the performers.

The standout performance of the night came from Jean Valjean. He was phenomenal. (And I'm picky because I'm partial to Colm Wilkinson and Alfie Boe, so he had some high standards to live up to for this girl.) The best part was that even with my high (read:maybeabittoohigh) standards, he did not disappoint. Best Jean Valjean moment? His performance of "Bring Him Home". It was everything beautiful and lovely that you hope for from that song. He was the best - as you would expect him to be. 

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The glitches were minor and overshadowed by the rest of the performance. Everyone was extremely talented. Russell Crowe was - thankfully - in no way involved. My handkerchief was wet at the end of it all, so I'd call it a success.

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