kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


deck the halls

I may or may not be living next door to relatives of the Griswold family. The lawn decorations multiply by the day, but the real kicker is the life-size Santa mannequin. You can see him standing in between the windows with lights draped around him like a frightening Christmas lei. A closer picture is in the works once I drag out the nice camera with the great zoom lens. He's particularly scary in the daytime. Sometimes I swear he's inching closer and closer to my yard. Kidding. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Can't stop laughing.

    Our neighbor was like this growing up. He had every inflatable from Walmart in his yard too. We had a huge bay window and it was so annoying. The worse thing was one year he BOUGHT A TOILET and put decorations out of it. When I was a teenager I thought about unplugging his inflatables at night.

    Ashamed, but true...haha


♔ huzzah.