kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.



image found here on etsy
yes, this will be framed in my house soon.

If I could choose one superpower, my first instinct would be to go with my early childhood thoughts that flying would be pretty cool - you could go anywhere! That sufficed until Harry Potter came around and I learned about apparating. Really, I'd just like to be a wizard of the "Yer a wizard 'Arry" variety, so I could apparate. With a quick, tight-turning about-face, I could be anywhere in the world. Lunch at a cafe in Paris? No problem. I'll be home for dinner. Day trip to New Zealand? Piece of cake. See the benefits? I know I'm not the only one who not so secretly wishes they could go to Hogwarts.

What superpower do you wish you had?

21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first? | thirty things

1 comment:

  1. Apparation would be pretty awesome - so much quicker than flying! Maybe that would be my superpower too since I like traveling so much.


♔ huzzah.