kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


six - the difficult things

images found here, here, here, here, here, and here.

(just a few of my favorite buildings on campus. two of the library because it is just that amazing. don't believe me? just check out this mural on the fourth floor.)

BYU was difficult, not academically, but because it was so far away from home. 2,101 miles away to be exact. One of the more difficult things I've done was deciding to go to school here. I wasn't thrilled with the distance or the stigma of what I thought going to school there would be like, and for my entire youth abhorred the idea of attending school there. I guess you could say I had some trouble realizing that this really was the place for me to go. But I figured it out, and it was the greatest decision ever. 

6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? | thirty things


  1. i've also been feeling a lot of BYU love lately. I'm very happy you decided to go to BYU (cause I met you!), it's really a special place is it not? Btw, I love the pictures you chose for this post.

  2. Love the pictures and I love that you figured out that this was what was right for you despite it being hard. I feel like a lot of things in life are like that.

  3. I didn't want to go to BYU for the stigma too!


♔ huzzah.