kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


easter 2012

easter 2012 was great for us. the hubs took me shopping for a new easter dress. it was a huge success. we went to church in the morning, and then stuffed our faces at my parents' house with lots of yummy food while watching the final round of the Masters. all in all a very southern easter. pearls. food. golf. family.


  1. Love your dress and your shoes! Where are your shoes from?! And yay for a happy Easter! :]

  2. Love your new dress! I love the shoes as well. Too cute! I'm happy to hear you had a great Easter. :)

  3. Cutie shoes! I'm glad you had a great Easter. Didn't you love that shot from Bubba Watson coming out of the woods at the end? It's like the ball was possessed.


♔ huzzah.