kis•met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized

1. fate.


I am a writer, and I will write.

I had a realization last week while walking to work, listening to Fleet Foxes, and enjoying the cooler air that brings hope of Fall. It came in the form of a Jack London quotation. "You cant wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." I was in a particularly downtrodden mood at the time, lamenting the fact that I had nothing to write about, no good ideas, and thinking all sorts of other equally pessimistic thoughts. It was then that Mr. London came to mind. Right when I needed him. Thank you, Jack. It really was as perfect as timing can be. I realized - though I'm pretty sure I already knew it - I cant just sit around waiting for inspiration to permeate my thoughts. Fabulous ideas take time. Work. Cultivation. More work. More cultivation. I need to write. write. write. Keep the good. Keep the bad because one day it might look good. I bought a new notebook and new pens. I'm ready. I really am. No more waiting to do what I want to do. It's time to just do. Just be. Exist. Think. Write. So, look out inspiration. I've got a club, and I'm coming after you.


  1. you go, girl! I am a big fan of your writing style. One thing that I think helps is _giving_ yourself time to write, and then making yourself take that time. So you set a timer, and you don't let yourself make excuses or get distracted. You just need to write.

    Hopefully you'll be sharing some of your beautiful inspirations.

  2. It's totally true. Thank you for sharing this. I haven't gotten much out of my life waiting for things and developing talents is much the same way :)

  3. Huzzah! There's your giant leap for Alyssa kind! Good on you! I've sure learned a lot from the process. Thoughts come when you sit yourself down and put pen to paper. It's an interesting phenomenon.

  4. GO FOR IT!!! This post is inspiring on so many levels. :)


♔ huzzah.